Monday, October 22, 2012

Adventure: Mr. Excellent Potential

A few months ago, I began conversing with a guy that turned out to be someone I am really digging.  He has excellent potential to be Mr. Jeigh, yes, I think I have found him!   He is on my level.  He meets all of the standards that are listed on my Beau Material Checklist.

I met Mr. Excellent Potential (EP) in a social setting on one of my getaways.  When I first saw him, his appearance captivated me.   Of course, I could not be myself, if I didn’t find something I didn’t like about him!  I noticed that he was wearing tennis shoes in this fine establishment, hey what can I say, I like a man in a suit!   My sister said, “Oh girl, see passed that stuff and get to know him”.   So, Jeigh went to work, bumping into him purposely and to my surprise he bumped back, cha -ching!  

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Do Not Answer

I made a horrible mistake this past weekend.  I gave my phone number to a guy and today, I am paying a huge cost. 

I met this nice looking gentleman that I thought had great qualities as someone I could get to know more about.  He and I were engaged in conversation for at least an hour. We talked about family, sports, our likes and dislikes as well as predictions for that night’s game.  We exchanged phone numbers and said we would contact one another. 

Mr. Gnat (because I just want to swat him) called me later that day about five times.  I didn’t know I had received all of these phone calls until after I got into an area that had better reception.   When I finally was able to return his phone call, he didn’t answer.  I left a voicemail explaining the situation and let him know that I wasn’t trying to ignore him.  Why didn’t I just leave it at THAT?????

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Right One/Wrong Time

I met (what I think) is the man I am supposed to be with.  I know you are asking, Jeigh, how do you know this? So, let me enlighten you.

When I saw him, my heart skipped a beat.  I had those butterflies in my stomach and of course I felt like I was sixteen again.  A super huge Kool-Aid smile was plastered on my face. Everything he spoke sounded so heavenly.  I got that feeling that most people talk about; that “love at first sight” feeling!  I asked myself, “How could that be? I don’t know anything about this guy!” I wanted to get to know him, had to get to know him.  He was tall, attractive and most of all, he had a wide-spread vocabulary.