Friday, May 9, 2014

Parenting: Sixteen and Horny

My middle child, who is sixteen, has begun sending messages to girls that he wants to engage in sexual activity.  When I read the messages I began to hyperventilate. It was just yesterday that he was running around stark naked trying to not get dressed and couldn’t sleep alone after watching scary movies.  I guess I have blinked through the majority of his years and now I am dealing with this. 

I was sixteen when I found out I was pregnant. It was too late for my mom to find text messages in my cell phone; oh yea, we had no such thing! I was seventeen when I had my first child and I try my best to not have my children rearing kids at a young age.  So, now you can imagine why I am so heartbroken after reading these messages.

As much as I would like to look at him as being my young son and want to keep him tied to my hip, I realize that is pure silliness. He is growing up so fast and wants to start making some “grown” man choices.  I just want to believe that I have instilled in him the values that will dictate some good decision-making on his part.

My eldest son, hid having sex pretty well. If you had asked me if he was having sex, I would have told you, “KB is still wet behind the ears and he is very green.”

I always run things past my cousin; who is like my sister, and she said, “Girl, you are just going to have to buy Boyfriend some condoms.”  I responded with, “Who me? buying condoms for my sixteen year old? Heck, I didn’t buy them for my eldest.”  I was mad. I actually think I drank a bottle of Villa Alena – Moscato D’Asti wine, which is very good by the way.   

I had the sex talk with him. He was more mortified than I was. He was looking at me with his embarrassed look and I just had to keep it straightforward.  I tried to hide my wrecked nerves, while I explained the birds and the bees. 

So, I ventured over to Winn Dixie with determination, to buy some condoms.  I seriously couldn’t bring myself to go close to the isle to just look at the different brands.  So after circling the store a few times, I made my way down the condom isle.  All I saw; which is now singed in my brain; “Pleasure Pack,” “Sensitive Skin”, “Easy Glide,” “Ribbed for Her Pleasure,” “Magnum,” “Fun Colors.” I began to hyperventilate again.  I immediately left the store and just sat in my car a few minutes and then I mustered up enough composure to drive away.

I got to work the next day and asked my male coworkers, what are the best condoms to buy for a sixteen year old kid? Don’t laugh, I am freaking out over this ish! To my surprise they weren’t any help, dag nabbed! So, I am back to square one. 

So stay tuned, because I will make it down that isle to get those condoms and make him strap it up!

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