Friday, July 20, 2012

Single Parenting: Traveling with Big “Little” Man

I have been traveling for my job for the last seven years, but up until recently, I have never been extremely entertained on an airplane.

I shared with you that my son was offered a scholarship from a College in AZ.  With that being said, we decided the best way to get him to AZ was to fly.  Please keep in mind that he has flown before several times, but he was much younger. 

So the journey begins with; both legs of the trip, KB and I were upgraded to first class.  Good thing because, I really don’t think he would have made it in economy! Let me add that his girlfriend and my daughter (it was her first time flying) came along on trip.  They weren’t upgraded, so I decided that I would go visit with them throughout the flights, just to check on Tootlebug.  

Monday, July 16, 2012

Adventures: On-line Dating Check In

I promised that I would keep you guys abreast on my on-line dating adventures, so here it goes. 

Let me start off with; there are some creepy, strange, and scary people in this world.  The lines that you will get are phenomenal (being sarcastic).  I have received request from young boys to old men, and I mean old!  Some of them are really sexy and cute. The rest are a bit less desirable, I know looks are in the eye of the beholder, but that is where I will leave it.  Some knew how to peek my interest, before I would delete the message and some had no freaking clue.  I will share two messages that mimic the usual messages I receive.